What Happens When You Begin Working On Yourself?
When You Begin Working On Yourself, What Happens?
When you are under pressure, alone, and self-conscious about your position in your career, society, and yourself, you begin to consider changing yourself. However, this does not imply that you will begin working the following day.
No, first you'll stop doing all the bad and distracting things like pleasing your friends to make time for you, and then you'll stop doing dangerous things like smoking and drinking if you've been doing them. You will avoid making excuses in order to gain control of yourself. You will eliminate any type of distraction from anywhere in the world, such as TV, social media, and peer pressure. You will first avoid everything that was impeding your personal development.
You will first avoid everything that was impeding your own development. You'll go gently and calmly. Simply avoiding and ceasing to do these activities will solve more than half of your life's difficulties.
Then you will update yourself, investing in yourself, your head, and your heart. You will improve your physical condition. You will improve yourself in such a way that your self-esteem will gradually rise.
You will start exercising, doing meditation, doing housework, loving, obeying, and respecting your family again, and practising discipline in your life. You will eat healthier foods, start sleeping on time, and rise early. In summary, you will gain discipline and begin to form positive habits in your life. You will do it until it becomes second nature to you and you are confident in moving forward. You will first become regular in your daily activities, such as exercise and household responsibilities.You will do it until it becomes a part of your life.Then you'll actually look at your career and determine what issues are present in your chosen job path. Once you get there, you'll start moving very slowly. You'll begin by moving gently and slowly. You will practise and learn. You'll gradually begin to produce your work consistently. You'll begin performing it every day. After that, you will keep going through this process until it becomes ingrained in your life as well.Now you up early, go for a run, meditate, remember God (if you choose to), study and work on your job, have a nutritious lunch, keep the remainder of the day on track, eat a good dinner, and go to bed on time. Same procedure the following day. It became routine for you. And as you kept doing this over and over again, you also began to create your own schedule, doing some of these things from Monday through Wednesday and others, like this, from Thursday through Saturday. You are now prepared to take significant chances in your future.
To prepare for major activities that might lead you down big routes, you have been improving yourself up to this point. So, what has actually happened up until this point?Your baggage from that time included unpleasant emotions, unclean karmic accounts, negative beliefs, and low self-esteem. You started by avoiding everything that was getting in the way of you bettering yourself. Then you gradually began to practise discipline and purge all of your negative karmic accounts and thoughts. Keep this line in mind. Consider a blackboard that has unkempt, filthy, and garbage-like writing on it. The scent emanating from these garbage-like items is your poor self-esteem, while the nasty ideas, unclean karmic accounts, and negative emotions they represent are the source of the smell. Back then, you were actually erasing anything that was scrawled on your chalkboard since it was filthy and disorderly.Every day, consistently, and regularly, you cleaned your chalkboard by using a duster to dust it, spritzing it with water, and wiping it off with a cloth. Your chalkboard is now clean and organised.
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